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‘Working Together for Excellence’



At Weyford Nursey and Primary Academy, we endeavour to create a positive atmosphere in which children feel safe, happy and secure and can take full advantage of the opportunities for learning. We also encourage children to develop their self-discipline and self-esteem as they grow within our school community.



  • To work with and alongside our 6 Values:
  • Aspiration
  • Achievement
  • Kindness
  • Inclusivity
  • Team work
  • Respect


  • to enable children to understand their responsibilities in managing their own behaviour in respect of their attitudes to learning; their relationships with adults and other children; and care for their own property and the property of others;


  • to encourage children to participate in establishing expectations of positive behaviour during lessons and around the school and to fulfil these expectations;


  • to encourage children to discuss aspects of their own behaviour and that of others; to recognise and comment constructively on positive behaviour and suggest ways that they might improve their own or the behaviour of others;


  • to enable children to understand the system of rewards and consequences within the school.




Emphasis is placed on the rewards the children get from taking pride in their achievements, the sharing and recognition of good work, teamwork, positive attitude and positive behaviour. During the school week a range of rewards can be achieved these include: writer and mathematician of the week, yellow jersey, house points, pebbles and sparkle book.  For more information please refer to our 'relationship policy' located in the policy tab in the key information section.
