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‘Working Together for Excellence’

Attenborough Class

Our finished Appliques

Geography- Where are the Alps? In this weeks Geography we have been exploring some of the physical and human features within the Alps

6.11.23 Today we watched a poignant performance of 'The Last Post' by Hobgoblin Theatre. They have adapted Keith Campion's book (that we are exploring in our English lessons) and really brought the story to life. This will definitely inspire lots of great writing!

19.9.23 Today we started learning how to play Happy on the glockenspiels! It was great fun

15.9.23 Today we had an artist come into class to do a collage workshop with us! We created woodland scenes by using chalk rubbings that we created.

Hello! My name is Mrs Benham and this is my sixth year at Weyford as a class teacher and leader of Art and DT. My two favourite subjects to teach are maths and art. I love being creative in school with children and outside of school in my spare time. I like Maths because I enjoy solving puzzles! I also enjoy baking, reading a good book and watching the latest films in the cinema.

Hello! I'm Mrs Brown and I have worked as a TA at Weyford for 17 years. My favourite subjects are music and English. When I'm not at work, I like to spend time with my family, walking my dog and listening to music and decorating cakes.
